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St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon


13th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our wonderful Pupils of the Week. Well done to you all
11th Sep 2024
The children had a lovely time using the beautiful fruit grown on our school grounds...
9th Sep 2024
This week KS1 enjoyed their first Multi-Sports training session with Coach Marcartan...
9th Sep 2024
Our KS2 children had a great session today with Macartan from Tyrone County Board. ...
8th Sep 2024
What a lovely morning we had catching up with old friends at our coffee morning...
6th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our new P1 children, who are our Pupils of the Week! We wish...
6th Sep 2024
What a glorious day it was today!  P5-7 took advantage of the good weather...
4th Sep 2024
The boys and girls had great fun out in the sunshine, picking some of our bumper...