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St Josephs Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon

Active Citizenship

7th Jun 2024
This week the shared lessons between St.Joseph's P.S. and Churchill P.S. continued in Churchill P.S. The pupils examined what it means to be a good citizen of the world and of their local community. They identified environmental issues facing the world today and how we might solve or lessen their impact. They completed a very interesting activity where they had to estimate how long it took various materials to degrade. Did you know it takes 200 years for a plastic straw to break down? Or that a plastic disposable water bottle takes 450 years to degrade?
Perhaps we should all renew our family commitment to"reduce, reuse, recycle"! ♻️
Thanks to Churchill P.S for hosting and making us feel so welcome and to Jodie and Miriam from Speedwell Trust for facilitating the lesson and helping us all think more deeply about citizenship.