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Caledon Village Trail
KS2 from St. Joseph's joined Mr. Clarke and his class from Churchill for a walk around the village. We looked at many of the old and historic buildings in the village. The children visited St. John's Church and graveyard where the oldest grave dates back to 1674.
We noticed the fountain outside the Old Infant school in the middle of the town, originally built for people and horses in 1901. The Caledon Arms Hotel has a very interesting sign outside with a mermaid, an elephant, a sword and a shield! We visited Mill Street, the site of the old woolen mill, with its terrace row, old chimney base and lattice windows. We walked along the beautiful river walk where we saw a heron, crossed the Dredge bridge and back up to the town past the gates of Caledon Estate. We stopped to admire the houses of Bank Terrace with their basement kitchens and boot scrapers beside the doors. We stopped outside the old railway station with its red brick finish and then returned to school. We had a lovely morning finding out about the place we live.
St Joseph's Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon, County Tyrone BT68 4UZ Phone:028 3756 8537