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St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon

Eco-Council focus on Biodiversity 🦋

17th May 2024
All that heavy rain and flooding seems a distant memory, but it's only two weeks since the sun decided to show its face!🌞

The Eco team have taken full advantage of the dry weather to begin more work on biodiversity.
Firstly, they spent a few back breaking afternoons moving the new topsoil to the existing vegetable bed and creating a new bed, both of which they have decided to sow with wildflower seeds and pollinator friendly bulbs. Hopefully bees and other insects will appreciate the new habitat and food source.
The pupils have a new respect for all those who have to do hard physical work!
But, what can be better than spending time working outside with your friends in the lovely sunshine, creating happy memories for the future and helping the planet too?