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St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon

Special Award Winners

27th May 2022
📢‘And the winner is ……..ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL, CALEDON!’ 📢   We were delighted to receive the following email from one of the coordinators of the Monaghan - One Book, One County project, Yvonne Duggan informing us that we have been awarded a special prize for the work Miss Largey’s class undertook earlier this year. The boys and girls worked very hard on the project and it is great to see this effort rewarded. 🌟   ‘Dear Claire & Marie I am delighted to tell you that both your schools have been awarded a special prize for the effort you and your class put into Monaghan Libraries One Book One County Schools Programme this year. The level of work was fantastic and the library really appreciates the time and effort this takes. To reward you, we have arranged a short presentation in Monaghan Library for your class and the teachers so everyone in your class who took part can attend. Each school will be presented with a Samsung Tablet or iPAD and you will have your photographs taken for the Northern Standard. MCC Councillor Aidan Campbell will be in attendance as will Senior Executive Librarian Deirdriu McQuaid, coordinator of the One Book One County Programme.’ The boys and girls are thrilled and excited to attend the event in June.   Not surprisingly, the whole class have received the Pupil of the Week award for their efforts!ðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘Â